Our Financial Services

We use every product and resource available to us as an independent firm to help you create an independent plan.

Full Financial Planning

We offer retirement products and services to help you achieve your retirement goals.


Growth Opportunities

“Will I run out of money?” This is the top concern we hear from new clients. Our retirement income strategies can help you feel confident that your money will last as long as you need it. These strategies include annuities, investments, IRA/401(k) rollovers and other wealth management opportunities.



The closer you are to retirement, the less risk you should take on. We can incorporate products and services that help preserve what you have. We do this through life insurance, tax-efficient strategies, long-term care strategies and IRA legacy planning.



You want to create a legacy that lives on after you’re gone. We work closely with attorneys and tax professionals to help you organize your giving strategy, helping you with trusts, probate, charitable giving, estate planning and tax planning.

The Clear Retirement Trail Guide

Clarity at every fork in your retirement road.


Know Your Path

Our journey begins with understanding your unique story. We discover where you stand financially today and where you hope to be in your retirement years. Our goal is to know the real you, beyond the numbers.


Preparation on Purpose

We explore every facet of your financial landscape, from the assets you’ve accumulated to the dreams you hold for retirement — taxes, investments, income. We work to compile and offer strategies for every phase of retirement. In distributing your hard-earned assets, it’s important to understand all the information before making key financial decisions.


Choose Your Trails

Explore the ways you can live and enjoy your retirement, from the short-term years that tend to be more active with travel and family to the long-term outlook that includes health care options and legacy planning for your legacy vision. We offer informed strategies for every phase of distribution while always keeping your risk tolerance in mind.


An Ally Always With You

We are not a 9-to-5 business playing phone tag. We work to offer access and assistance as much as possible, especially when major life events happen in retirement. Whether facing market shifts, personal milestones or changes in your family dynamics, our team wants to be there for you.

Investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal.

Insurance products are offered through the insurance business Principal Financial LTD. Global Financial Advisory is also an Investment Advisory practice that offers products and services through AE Wealth Management, LLC (AEWM), a Registered Investment Adviser. AEWM does not offer insurance products. The insurance products offered by Principal Financial LTD are not subject to investment Adviser requirements. AEWM and Principal Financial LTD are not affiliated companies.

Neither the firm nor its agents or representatives may give tax or legal advice. Individuals should consult with a qualified professional for guidance before making any purchasing decisions. Investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal. Clearfork Financial Planning is not affiliated with or endorsed by the U.S. Government or any governmental agency.

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